We have a bright and colourful uniform at Herbert Thompson, including PE Kits which also look very smart on our pupils.
See our order form below for prices and sizes.
There are lots of good reasons for our children to wear the school uniform:
• It is cheap and wears well
• It saves their other clothes from paint, glue, mud and many other stains.
• They can keep their more expensive clothes for best.
• They all look so smart.
• It improves behaviour.
• Saves arguments in the morning.
If you would like to order uniform items please click on the link here to download and print our updated uniform order form. Please complete the form and pass to Mrs Perry in the Office along with the necessary payment.
Visit our new 'POP UP UNIFORM SHOP'! We have opened a shop for donated uniform, still in very good condtion. Come and help yourself and make a small donation if you are able. We also have bags, trainers and coats in the pop up shop too! The pop up shop is in the main foyer area of the school.
PE Kit
A school P.E. kit is available to buy from Mrs Perry in the office at a cost of £8.00. This kit contains shorts, t-shirt and a kit bag with the school logo. All children are taught the importance of changing for P.E. and are proud to wear it each week. On PE days children are asked to wear suitable footwear as weather permitting lessons will be taken outside. If children have not got a PE kit the teachers are happy for them to bring into school alternative - shorts/leggings together with a t-shirt. Older children are taught the importance of personal hygiene and are allowed to bring roll-on deodorant. Aerosol containers are NOT allowed. Hooped earrings are not to be worn on PE days, studs are permitted.
Click below to read our full uniform policy.
School Uniform
Uniform Order Form