Welcome to Flying Start at Herbert Thompson
Our Vision
To provide a warm, friendly, and stimulating atmosphere offering your little ones, fun-filled days of learning through play ensuring their days in the setting are happy and fun and allowing them to build their confidence and self-esteem whilst making lots of new little friends.
We pride ourselves in offering excellent, high-quality childcare within a happy and loving environment allowing parents to feel happy and secure in the care of their little bundles.
What services does Flying Start provide?
Free high quality part-time child care for 2-3 and a half year olds within the area.
Intensive Health Services
Parenting Programmes
Book for Babies scheme and the Language/Number and Play programmes

Flying Start
Flying Start at Herbert Thompson is a new Welsh Assembly Government funded programme of work targeted at the 0 to 3 age group and their families living in identified areas of the city. Flying Start services will be directed to children living in specific catchment areas and Herbert Thompson Primary School is one of those areas.
What services will Flying Start provide?
• Fully funded high quality part-time child care for 2-3 year olds living in the designated area. This service is managed by Little Angels Flying Start Nurseries Ltd and is based on the school site.
• Intensive Health Services
Flying start Health Visitors in Cardiff work with fewer families than other Health Visitors, therefore they will be able to offer eligible families much more support. Each Health Visiting team has a Family Health Worker working with them. Included in the health team are Speech and Language therapists who will be available to advise and support children's early language development.
• Parenting Programmes
The Parents Plus programme– Promoting Parenting Positively. Parents plus is a specialised service for helping parents of Early Years children who have difficult behaviour or who are having problems with language. Social relationships or in becoming more independent. Parents Plus incorporates parenting positively strategies into its approach with parents. A home liaison worker will be available for 12 weeks within the home to support you with any problems and they will stay until you feel the problem is sorted.